Myth #1 It Is Too Expensive
Let us start by saying that I offer a free 1-hour consultation to anyone considering hiring us!
We have no desire to waste your time, take your money, or waste our time if we cannot help you.
We have also helped clients move from roles they are into new roles with a higher rate of pay:
For individuals wanting to stay in their organization, we have helped them learn how to provide more value and as a result gain greater remuneration.
I know that coaching is not cheap. I know you work hard for your money. I also know that many people are not satisfied at their place of work and feel that they are not highly engaged. As a result, work is a task. These people do not pop out of bed ready to give their best to the organization every day.
If that sounds like you, coaching can definitely help!
We will help you discover what is the best thing that you can bring to the organization every day and how to unleash that, regardless of what your job description says. How much would it be worth to you to feel a sense of excitement every day as you go off to work, and a sense of fulfillment every day you leave work?
Maybe the coaching you need is more personal than professional:
You feel like you are not winning in life.
You feel like you are not reaching your potential.
You feel like you could be giving more in life and getting more out of it.
If that is you then personal coaching is for you!
How much are you worth? What is your sense of accomplishment and enjoyment in life worth?
Nobody will invest in you more than you invest in yourself.
Head over to our Services Offered tab to find a service that is right for you.
If you do not see a service that you think could help you professionally or personally we would love to meet with you and see what type of customized service we could put together!
Myth #2 I Do Not Have Time For A Coach
There are only 24 hours in a day, we all know that!
We also know that your life is busy, and you probably feel like you do not have enough time as it is to do everything you would like or need to do.
However, coaching is an investment that will help you recover time by being more efficient both personally and professionally. Coaching will also help you uncover where you are spending time that you need not be spending. No, we are not talking about watching television or other enjoyable hobbies! We do not believe that people have to work themselves to death and forgo all enjoyment in life.
What we are talking about is time that you are wasting that you are not even aware of.
This is the time that you spend doing things that you think you should be doing but yield very little enjoyment our outcome personally and professionally.
You only think you should be doing those things but you have never stopped to challenge that assumption. We will not only help you challenge that assumption, but we will provide you with tools to put into use so that you stop doing those things that are wasting your time.
Nobody will invest in you more than you invest in yourself.
​Head over to our Services Offered tab to find a service that is right for you.
​If you do not see a service that you think could help you professionally or personally we would love to meet with you and see what type of customized service we could put together!
Myth #3 Coaching Does Not Work
"I have tried a coach before and it did not work."
This can be a common objection for those that have tried coaching before and it did not work.
And there can be a number of reasons for that:
*Maybe the coach was not certified...we are!
*Maybe there was no chemistry between the coach and client, that is another reason we offer a free consultation to see if there is chemistry.
*Maybe the objectives were not clear, that is why we always ask you, "What problem are you trying to solve?"
*Maybe the coach promised a quick fix. We believe that nothing in life that requires changes will be a quick fix.
Maybe you have never tried coaching and you are skeptical. Fair enough!
Here is what people are saying about us:
*"Donald has excelled in his study of Leadership and Management and has excellent experience in doing real-time leadership and management.
He has gained wisdom and understanding beyond his years. Donald is a person of character demonstrating high integrity and authenticity, a person of strong leadership competence, a widely enough experienced person that he quickly grasps the culture in a wide range of contexts, is courageous and brave enough to step into demanding contexts and he brings positive energy and chemistry to any environment he is in.
I have the highest regard and recommendation for him as a person and for what he has become and will deliver wherever he is provided an engaging opportunity."
- Paul E Magnus, PhD
President Emeritus, Distinguished Professor & Chair of Leadership/Management
*"Don has walked us through some key practical steps to bring our goals and dreams into a tangible reality. It would have been hard to articulate and grasp these steps without his wisdom and guidance. We look forward to seeing our team grow even more in the days to come."
- Tracey A. Weiler
Myth #4 I Can Just Coach Myself
"I don't need a coach, I can just coach myself."
First, let us say that you should always be coaching yourself.
The most successful professional athletes are always coaching themselves.
The same is also true for the most successful people, whether these are executives or those that are more junior in the business or organization.
When I started giving regular speaking engagements I would make sure that I recorded the presentation and later listened to it. My philosophy was, "If everyone else had to listen to it then so will I."
Some of my initial presentations were great. Some were painful to listen to. One of the first things I immediately cut was was, "um," "uh," "er," "ah," "like," and so on. Why? Because it was painful to listen to! I taught myself that dead air space was far better than trying to fill every void.
But I needed a coach to help me with something just as important.
I used to always read my whole presentations.
Why? There was no way that I could memorize a half-hour or forty-five-minute session, let alone multiple sessions when I was speaking at a retreat.
I had to get coaching on that.
The best advice my coach gave me was this, "Don't try to memorize your presentation or message. Just know your message."
As I moved away from memorizing my presentations and messages to knowing them I was better able to engage with my audience.
Had it been up to me, I would have just done a better job memorizing key parts of my presentation so that I could look at my notes less.
However, coaching changed my paradigm and exposed me to a concept I had never thought of.
So go for it! Coach yourself, please do. But you will never be as much of a high-performance individual in your sphere of leadership if you don't hire a coach.
Nobody will invest in you more than you invest in yourself.
​Head over to our Services Offered tab to find a service that is right for you.
​If you do not see a service that you think could help you professionally or personally we would love to meet with you and see what type of customized service we could put together!
Myth #5 Coaching Is Not A Necessity
"I don't need a coach at all it is not a necessity."​
Let's be honest. One of the hardest parts about selling coaching is that many people do not see it as a necessity, and may not even see it as a luxury.
Some of you will ask the question, "If I know that is the perception of coaching why would you mention that? Don't you think you will scare potential clients away?"
The answer is two-fold:
1) It is the unspoken objection that loses the sale. So I might as well address this objection head-on. If you are already thinking about this objection then it will not do me or you any good for me to bury my head in the sand and hope you do not notice.
2) The second part is that I only want to work with committed clients. If you are not committed I don't want to take your money and waste my time (and yours). So I either want you to be committed already, or to become committed by reading the truth about this (and the other) objections.
The truth is, that if you want to succeed in life then you need a coach.
I was a pretty good basketball player in high-school. In fact, I was the best on my team!
Even in grade 6, when I lived in Winnipeg, the coach looked at me and told me I was going to guard the other team's leading scorer. I told him, "I can't. He's too good." The coach told me, "You can! You are our best defender." So I did guard him, and I shut him down all game long! (That was probably the last time I had a real coach).
Then we moved to a really small town!
In grade 7 one of the teachers saw me in the gym playing 2 on 1 (I was the 1) with some other kids. The teacher said, "This guy (me) could go somewhere if he got coached up."
In grade 9 I was called up for a tournament to play on the high-school team.
In high school, I was the captain of the team. I lead the team in scoring and rebounds...not too bad for a point guard.
But I never really had a coach!
One year the gym teacher was the coach, though he did not want to - we were a volleyball school. I hated volleyball.
Another year I had to find a youth leader in the community to coach us.
Needless to say, my development did not hit the level it should have. Notice, I did not say "could have," I said, "should have."
After high school, I wanted to play university ball but I doubted myself. I knew I was the best player in my high school, but I also knew I had not been coached.
After a couple of years of training myself and still wanting to play, I was able to get the university coach to agree to give me a tryout.
I never showed up.
I doubted myself too much.
That was the end of my organized basketball playing. I never hit my goal of playing university basketball.
Why do I tell you that?
Because for many of you, your personal and professional lives are much like my story. You have never really, and I mean really been coached. Maybe you had people that called themself a coach. Maybe you had some people that thought they were coaching you, but you know that you have never really been coached (or maybe it has just been a long time since you have) and you are not hitting your goals because of it.
My story does not have to be your story. But it will if you do not get coached up!
You will never be as much of a high-performance individual in your sphere of leadership if you don't hire a coach.
Nobody will invest in you more than you invest in yourself.
​Head over to our Services Offered tab to find a service that is right for you.
Take a look at Becoming A High-Performance Team and ask if you are investing your leaders.
​If you do not see a service that you think could help you professionally or personally we would love to meet with you and see what type of customized service we could put together!