Hiring Smarter
We help people hire right the first time, better than any other hiring agency! Guaranteed!
A common frustration we hear from hiring managers and hiring teams is that they spend so much time screening and interviewing candidates yet have a success rate of around 50%.
Why? Because they do not use benchmark recruitment.
With today's labour shortage you could find yourself hiring what you think is the "best" candidate out of your limited pool of candidates, only to be disappointed and hiring soon again for that position.
We help people hire right the first time, better than any other hiring agency!
We are more interested in making you right than making your wrong!
We actually do not do the recruiting part of the process.
What we do provide is a hiring service that helps you screen your top applicants.
For example, are you looking for someone who is:
â–¶ peaceful, agreeable, cautious, cooperative OR bold, driving, direct, competitive
â–¶ objective, critical, reflective OR inspiring, persuasive, convincing, sociable
â–¶ intense, flexible, progressive OR systematic, logical, relaxed, unhurried
â–¶ unconventional, fearless, self-willed OR precise, orderly, meticulous
Those are the characteristics that we help you uncover before you even sit down with your top applicants for an interview. We use a highly accurate profiling assessment to do so.
In fact, with our Premium Hiring Smarter service, we train you on how to use a strengths-based benchmark for both the position you are hiring for, or for future job postings.
We have 3 different levels of our Hiring Smarter services at a cost of $500, $1,000, or $1,500. We believe you get the most value out of the $1,500 Premium Hiring Smarter service.
The biggest mistake I made when I was hiring was believing that I needed someone in the position.
As a result, I would hire people that were ok and not great and experience continual frustration from that hire.
What I learned is that what’s worse than a vacancy is hiring the wrong person.
What I found was when I started hiring people with objective data I knew they either did or did not fit the role before I hired them. I also found that if I could hire people with different strengths then our team would be more diverse and be a well-rounded team!
*Engaged employees are reported to give 57% more effort and are 87% less likely to resign - Huffington Post
We have been there.
We can help you hire and find the best person for the role you are trying to fill. We are not selling a hiring service, we are selling a service that will make sure you hire someone that will excel and make you more profitable. Even if you are in the non-profit sector you have a responsibility to your stakeholders to be profitable.
Once we discovered the product we use, that all changed! The funny thing is that we actually stumbled into this product.
Then we stopped stumbling over ourselves and consistently hired better!
And we have helped other businesses and organizations hire the right person using this tool!
Why Is The Normal Hiring Success Rate So Low?
1) Your job posting says certain qualities are important.
2) These qualities are hard to measure.
3) You've told your candidates (via the job posting) that they need to convince you they possess these qualities.
4) 75% of the decisions made during most corporate recruiting processes are made by humans relying on their own intuition, rather than data (https://www.visier.com/clarity/measure-new-hire-failure-rates/).
5) Hiring Bias such as confirmation bias, groupthink, conformity bias, anchoring bias, comparison bias, haloing effect, etc, sabotage critical screening of applicants.
We have so much confidence that our service will be successful for you, even during COVID, that we are offering the following Peace Of Mind Guarantee.
*You pay nothing until your hire lasts 3 months. (You are still choosing whom you hire.)
*If you chose the Economy Hiring Smarter service and your hire does not last 3 months we will help you fill the position using our Value + service at the price of the Economy service.
*If you chose the Value +Hiring Smarter service and your hire did not last 3 months we will help you fill the position using our Premium Hiring Smarter service at the price of the Value + package.
*If you chose our Premium Hiring Smarter service and your hire does not last 3 months, we help you fill the position using our Premium Hiring Smarter service again for your next candidates and you will only pay the Value + Hiring Smarter service price after your hire lasts 3 months.
As you are aware the costs of hiring are often in the $1000s of dollars even for entry-level positions. Those costs skyrocket into the $10,000+ range as you hire more senior levels. If you use a hiring agency the cost of hiring alone could be $30,000 or more. So it only makes sense to hire right the first time to save on the cost and have the right person in place.
If you are not aware, the hiring success rate is right around 50% which is fairly poor and means you are paying the hiring costs twice, which could easily amount to $5,000 for entry-level positions and even more for more senior positions
At DC Leadership Training & Consulting we help solve that problem by running top candidates through an assessment that reveals information about the person that you will never uncover from an interview.
Our Hiring Smarter services range from $500 - $2,000 meaning that you will save the cost of a poor hire at least 5x's over! (Find our services at the bottom of the page)
Hiring Failure Statistics:
* 46 percent of all new hires fail within 18 months (Source: Leadership IQ.)
* 40-60 percent of management new hires fail within 18 months (Source: Harvard Business Review.)
* Nearly 50% of executive hires fail within 18 months (Source: The Corporate Leadership Council.)
* Only 19 percent of new hires can be considered an unequivocal success (Source: Center For Creative Leadership).
â–¶How many of you have put the following in job descriptions,
"Strong communication skills"
"Great interpersonal skills"
"Solid organizational skills"
"Ability to work independently or as part of a team"
"Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and enjoys change"
"Aggressive problem-solver."
Great! So you want an aggressive problem solver. How aggressive of a problem solver do you want? On a scale of 1-10, where "1" is a slightly aggressive problem-solver, and "10" is the most aggressive problem-solver, which number do you want?
If you don't know which number, then you really need to benchmark your job description. And we can help with that!
If you do know which number, how are you going to measure that in your candidates before/in/after the interview?
Unless you are using a method that provides you with objective data, you are just hoping that the candidate hits your number.
We can help make sure you know which candidates actually do hit your number!
- Using our profiling system you will gain accurate data about your candidate.
- You will no longer have to ask situational questions where the candidate presents their best self in their answer.
- You will know how your top applicants problem-solve, process information, manage change, and face risk.
At DC Leadership Training And Consulting we offer a solution to these common hiring pitfalls.
By using a profiling tool to benchmark the job description we provide objective data for the hiring manager/team to use so that they do not fall prey to one of the many hiring biases. These are some of the most powerful and comprehensive tools available today.
Economy Hiring Smarter $500:
You will receive within 4 days:
*A profile report for up to 2 candidates highlighting how they align with the job posting.
*A detailed report for up to 2 candidates on where you can expect them to excel/struggle.
*A report for up to 2 candidates illustrating how each one is motivated.
*Understanding your top 2 candidates' natural strengths/characteristics & how they are presented in work/relationships.
Value + Hiring Smarter $1,000:
You will receive within 3 days:
*A profile report for up to 3 candidates highlighting how they align with the job posting.
*A detailed report for up to 3 candidates on where you can expect them to excel/struggle.
*A report for up to 3 candidates illustrating how each one is motivated.
*Clarity on how your top 3 candidates respond to challenges.
*Knowledge of your top 3 candidates' natural strengths/characteristics & how they are presented in work/relationships.
*Understanding how your top 3 candidates problem solve, process information, manage change, face risk.
*Information on how your top 3 candidates respond to rules and procedures.
Premium Hiring Smarter $2,000:
You will receive within 2 days:
*Guidance and understanding on how to benchmark your job description.
*A profile report for up to 4 candidates highlighting how they align with the benchmark & job posting.
*A detailed report for up to 4 candidates on where you can expect them to excel/struggle.
*A report for up to 4 candidates illustrating how each one is motivated.
*Clarity on how your top 4 candidates respond to challenges.
*Knowledge of your top 4 candidates' natural strengths/characteristics & how they are presented in work/relationships.
*Understanding how your top 4 candidates problem solve, process information, manage change, face risk.
*Information on how your top 4 candidates respond to rules and procedures.
*Training of how to create a strengths-based benchmark for your job description & future job postings.
*Training on comparing benchmarked job description & applicants profile assessments.
*A Team Strengths Wheel to showcase the strengths already on your team and where your top 4 candidates fit in to that.
*Volume pricing available on Premium level
We will bring in a layer of objective data that would otherwise be missing. You still retain full control of whom you hire!
Pricing & plans available for companies involved with high-volume hiring.
If you want to hire better, we want to do business with you!
If you already have hired and you are looking to build a better team check out our service Leveraging Your Team's Strengths by clicking here.
Don Cruickshank, MALM (Masters in Leadership & Management)
*Certified in Team Leadership
*Leading From Your Strengths Certified Trainer, Coach, Consultant
- Empowering individuals and organizations towards creating successful futures