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Leveraging Your Team's Strengths 

We help teams create a lasting change to continuously reach high-performance! 

"How do they keep beating us?" "We should be able to run over them!" 


These were the thoughts my high-school basketball team expressed as we consistently, year after year got beat by a smaller town's team. 


They had a player that could not make a basket from further than 5 feet away, and they had a small guy who could never get close to the hoop without getting crushed. If there ever were a rag-tag group of individuals that when assembled made an outstanding team, then it was them.


So how did they do it?

Well here is what they did with the big guy that could not shoot, they positioned him under the hoop to collect rebounds and pop them in. And that scrawny kid, well he only shot 3 pointers. And so it was with each player on the team they each had one or two strengths.


It was not that the other team had a greater talent pool than us, but they did have a more insightful coach.


What did their coach do so differently than ours? Their coach knew that each person on the team was like a chess piece, each one had a unique strength...and he fully leveraged each player's strength.

Your Hidden Competitive Advantage


The most successful organizations are not made up of "well-rounded" people!


Highly successful organizations are actually made up of people with different strengths who are allowed, encouraged, rewarded, and empowered to fully bring forward their strengths.


Many businesses and organizations believe that truth, but do not know how to put it into action. 


So many businesses measure employees' strengths without subsequently knowing how to activate that data. 


Why is that a large issue?

â–¶There is a direct correlation between employees’ strengths and employee engagement,  according to Tom Rath and Barry Conchie in Strengths Based Leadership  (Gallup Press, 2008). 

â–¶However, if the organization does focus on an individual's strengths there is a 73% likelihood that she/he will be engaged!


â–¶Furthermore, engaged employees in Canada are reported to give 54% more effort (Gallup, 2017).


If there was ever a competitive advantage to have, that must be it!



*The chart below shows the different strengths represented on the team.


*The movement of each person shows the difference between their natural strengths and what they believe that they have to be in order to be successful in the organization.

Stengths Wheeel Example 2.jpg
Natural Strangths Example.jpg

1/2 Day Team-Building Workshop $200/Person +$30/person assessment fee

This unique 1/2 day session was created to uncover and jump-start the usage of your team's strengths.  


Complete with break out session, activity-based learning, and high-quality content you will receive:



*A personal 20-page strengths-based report & workbook highlighting:


*General Characteristics


*Value To The Team


*Checklist For Communicating


*Don'ts On Communicating


*Define areas of tension and learn to resolve conflict without “winners and losers”


*Help yourself and your team appreciate the strengths each of you bring to the team



The Results:

  • We will break down assumptions, perceived or actual, that are blocking your team members from fully using their strengths.


  • You will be empowered with strategies on how to move forward toward a new reality where your employees are empowered and engaged which will transform your business, organization, employees, and customers!

FULL Day Team-Building Workshop $325/Person +$30/person assessment fee

This unique full-day session was created for you to put action behind the strengths of the people on your team!


Complete with break put session, activity-based learning, and high-quality content we will break down assumptions, perceived or actual, that are blocking your team members from fully using their strengths. Additionally, you will be empowered with strategies on how to move forward toward a new reality where your employees are empowered and engaged which will transform your business, organization, employees, and customers!


The Results:

  • We will break down assumptions, perceived or actual, that are blocking your team members from fully using their strengths.


  • You will be empowered with strategies on how to move forward toward a new reality where your employees are empowered and engaged which will transform your business, organization, employees, and customers!


About the assessment:


Although the profile questionnaire is quick and simple to complete, it provides sophisticated data in a 20-page report in the following sections:


Your Natural Strengths

  • Your Natural Strengths Scales: a narrative explanation of the four scales used to measure your natural strengths: problem-solving, processing information, managing change, and facing risk.

  • Your Natural Strengths Chart: a visual picture in graph form representing your natural strengths in the four predictable areas: problem-solving, processing information, managing change, facing risk.

  • General Characteristics: a narrative summary that summarizes a broad understanding of your strengths.

  • Value to the Team: a list of specific talents and strengths that you bring to a team.



  • Do’s in Communicating: a checklist for others to use with you (or for you to specify to others) that outlines action steps they can take to communicate effectively with you.

  • Don’ts in Communicating: a checklist for others to use with you (or for you to specify to others) that outlines communication methods that frustrate you or reduce your performance.



  • Ideal Environment: a list of duties, responsibilities, and environments that allow you to flourish and those that may frustrate you.


Leading and Motivating

  • Keys to Motivating: a list of what can motivate you, based on your wants and values.

  • Keys to Leading: a list of what you need from a leader so that you can perform at your optimum level.

  • Areas for Improvement: a list of your natural limitations or tendencies, allowing you to create an action plan for moving forward.



  • Perceptions: a list of ways you see yourself and ways others see you.


Your Adapted Strengths

  • Strengths Movement: a narrative explanation of strengths movement – the measure of how your current environment impacts your strengths positively and negatively.

  • Strengths Movement Chart: a visual picture in graph form of both your natural strengths and the impact of your current environment on those strengths, presented in the four predictable areas: problem-solving, processing information, managing change, facing risk.

  • How Are You Having to “Adapt”?: a list of descriptions of how you may feel you need to respond to your current environment to be accepted.

  • Natural and Adapted Style: a side-by-side comparison of your natural strengths style and your adapted style, revealing the stress and pressure you may feel when you adapt your natural style to your current environment.





Are you looking to fully release your people to consistently bring their best for the benefit for themselves and your business? 



If so, we want to do business with you!



Don Cruickshank, MALM (Masters in Leadership & Management)

*Certified in Team Leadership

*Leading From Your Strengths Certified Trainer, Coach, Consultant


- Empowering individuals and organizations towards creating successful

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